I don’t know who the author of the bellow post was, but I think it needs to be re-posted and clarified:

“While I am not trying to let Duracell (Dan Purcell) off the hook, CCIB was an inside job, years in making, orchestrated by the Michelin Man (Alan Layton) with the help of the Real Estate Man (Kevin Pederson) and Chucky (Michael Sanjurjo). Look at who was left behind (Michael Sanjurjo) and who replaced who (Alan Layton, Kevin Pederson, Sammy Gibson) and you will figure out what happened. The only people that don’t have blood on their hands in the new Bullshit Unit are the three new Lieutenants (Chad McDaniel, Rachel Rados, Shannon Seiple). Hey Sheriff, why don’t you look at your two new star Sergeants timesheets? I didn’t know we get paid overtime to sell houses and coach softball while on duty? If you care so much about ODs why don’t you take them home? It looks like you can afford it. You drive around in a damn Maserati. You are so concerned with ODs that at no point whatsoever did you stop and asked why half of your deputies voted for Spike. Good job. You are going to do an amazing job in Tallahassee.”

I also have a personal message to the Sheriff:

Take your OD stats, roll them up, and ... well you know. Don’t forget to post it on the screens you install in the “new Bullshit Unit.”