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Thread: Iots

  1. #1


    Anyone else find this IOTS push crazy? Why are half my cases going regardless of my objections! This is not a good thing for DOC...

  2. #2
    I agree, someone is making money and its not me. I have heard sex offenders, violent offenders doesn't matter.

  3. #3
    Unregistered Alien
    I wonder what the public would think about putting people on what's basically unsupervised probation when IOTS has more new law violations than med/max combined. I can barely get people into IOTS because all my mins will either piss hot or have a new law by the it60.

    Have to wait for them to get out of jail with a slap on the wrist and THEN put them into IOTS because new crimes and violations means you're still a minimum who doesn't need supervision.

    **** this job.

  4. #4
    I think we should put everyone on IOTS. Supervision is already a joke so why not make the job easier while we wait for the new law violations. Less time wasted talking to offenders and doing technical violations.


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