Let’s review. Eric and his band of idiots have run people over many times. Vastly this was done for no reason at all. Often people were ruined just because they weren’t liked by Eric or one of his stingers. Chip moves in and bam shit begins to happen. His first move was Frank to communications. Along with that transfer was a letter that said IA would be run by professional following the law. What an idea. Run an investigation following the law.

If Eric and Frank aren’t wide eyed realizing chip didn’t drive the bus over them he drove the bus over them and tied them to the drive shaft and went for a ride on the interstate. Both criminals should be worried. Eric must see his “deals” with moron aren’t holding up as well as he would expect. Eric is exposed and vulnerable. He is about to see exactly what it means for his chickens to roost. Good luck with that Eric. I wish you all the luck you wished for the people you ruined for no reason. That wasn’t much help to them and I home it will be worse for Eric. I don’t know of a person that has more evil wishes against them than Eric. He is an antichrist.

Eric has caused families to be torn apart and put unneeded stress on employees. All the way back to Ozell Eric has proven he is devious. He cost that man his life because of foolish claims there was wrongdoing. Anyone who knew Odell knew an officer that was dedicated and deserving. Not one like Eric. Employees have had open heart surgery because of treatment of Eric Haines. Eric forced out a good officer that got sick with Lou gariags disease. Eric says it isn’t the county’s place to feel sorry for them it is business. Is it just business. Was it just business to inflate his salary to one higher than a sheriff?

People start asking questions. Start inquiring. Also don’t forget the best little stinger of all Mindy the one that fosters so many children because of her love of ..........well.......money. This whore bag could give a care or less about foster kids or her own for that matter. She is disgusting and vile to be around. Her time needs to be up too.

Tell us what you know so we can stick together and make our agency better no the same. The trolls that have ruined the office need to be held accountable. That may mean a demotion or even termination. At least give them all the punishment they have earned and deserve.