Fuk-yo mask
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Thread: Fuk-yo mask

  1. #1

    Fuk-yo mask

    Fuk-yo mask!!!!!! Suk my fat-d.... My rights trump your kung fu flu story time. Lock down this d fu!

  2. #2
    No real cop would ever enforce that bullshit!

  3. #3
    Mr Mayor why don’t you come out and give a 50 dollar ticket to people yourself. You are possibly the biggest Liberal candy
    A— in the city. You are keeping the beach on lock down In an attempt to keep the black visitors Away. But by doing this you have put many businesses and hotels out of business causing locations to be left abandoned. You are a complete idiot because vacant buildings invite the type of visitors we have here now and they are not going away. Your rebranding Miami Beach idea is failing miserably. So quit leaning on the police to fix the liberal agenda city hall created. Good luck your crown jewel of south Florida is now a ghetto every Day and night.
    Happy thanksgiving


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