"Trump 2020: A Man vs. A Movement"
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  1. #1

    "Trump 2020: A Man vs. A Movement"

    Trump vs Biden is the choice between a man who believes America is Good and a man who is controlled by a movement which believes America is Bad.

    THOMAS KLINGENSTEIN in "Trump 2020: A Man vs. A Movement" www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_4n_MmNdxA

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Trump vs Biden is the choice between a man who believes America is Good and a man who is controlled by a movement which believes America is Bad.

    THOMAS KLINGENSTEIN in "Trump 2020: A Man vs. A Movement" www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_4n_MmNdxA
    Well over 200,000+ people dead. Over 495+ children separated from their parents. The economy is on brink of collapse while this fool denies science fact. White supremacists flourish while this madman tries to jail his political opponent. He claims election fraud while saying he won't leave The White House even if he loses the election. Sounds like Fidel the dictator has been resurrected as a bleached blond, orange-face fat fcuk. Two more weeks of this shït. I can't wait for it to be over.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Well over 200,000+ people dead. Over 495+ children separated from their parents. The economy is on brink of collapse while this fool denies science fact. White supremacists flourish while this madman tries to jail his political opponent. He claims election fraud while saying he won't leave The White House even if he loses the election. Sounds like Fidel the dictator has been resurrected as a bleached blond, orange-face fat fcuk. Two more weeks of this shït. I can't wait for it to be over.
    You are going to be in for a rude awakening on November 4, 2020, when find out that President Trump was reelected. But don't worry, I heard that the Department is making a closet available for you as a safe place where you could hide with Teddy bear and weep! Trump 2020, 2024, 2028, ...

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    You are going to be in for a rude awakening on November 4, 2020, when find out that President Trump was reelected. But don't worry, I heard that the Department is making a closet available for you as a safe place where you could hide with Teddy bear and weep! Trump 2020, 2024, 2028, ...
    "Trump 2020, 2024, 2028, ... " You are either a complete idiot who thinks he's funny or you don't understand how delicate democracy is... Either way, you're a juice drinking Dumpster who will one day, deny your voting history. Send him more money! He's needs your support!

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    "Trump 2020, 2024, 2028, ... " You are either a complete idiot who thinks he's funny or you don't understand how delicate democracy is... Either way, you're a juice drinking Dumpster who will one day, deny your voting history. Send him more money! He's needs your support!
    One of us is right and one of us is wrong, and I have my money on a Trump victory. The only idiot here is you that you "don't understand how delicate democracy is..." If Creepy Joe and the Ho win, our Country will be destroyed and there won't be any democracy. You will then realize that you f ed up, and you will deny your voting history!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    One of us is right and one of us is wrong, and I have my money on a Trump victory. The only idiot here is you that you "don't understand how delicate democracy is..." If Creepy Joe and the Ho win, our Country will be destroyed and there won't be any democracy. You will then realize that you f ed up, and you will deny your voting history!
    The only self-described creep and photographed ho is Mr incestuous, grab-em by the pu$$y boy and his slutty, stripper wife. Duh! You went there! 🤣🤣🤣

  7. #7
    The movement isn’t for Biden, it’s for Harris and puppets like Cava......Black America or whatever they are African Americans or same sex America, is using Biden for the big seat then creating their own black America body of government.

    Respectfully, to you Cuban Americans, Latinos, and “black Americans”, the only people telling you that you are no good, stupid, oppressed, mistreated, are the real people who want to USE you for the White House and the Mayors office, not white Americans they want you to guilt against. Open your eyes, there are more females running for office than ever, and every other commercial for Biden has 90% black Americans in the ad, YOU as a Latino minority mean nothing to black Americans except for a vortex to strengthen their voice and vote.

    Police officers know the truth, we DONT discriminate, we are NOT racist, and we DONT ABUSE OUR AUTHORITY, if you vote for Cava and that reverse racist Harris then you think WE DO AMD WE ARE thus meaning YOU DO AND YOU ARE.


    You are a police officer who swore an oath to uphold the law and not allow Democrats to bend and break the law to fit their vision and narrative.

    The word racism is only heard when BLACK people invoke it. We as a departments abided by the affirmative action doctrine and Democrats want to guilt you into thinking you don’t deserve your badge or uniform to arrest and to take away “black” people rights

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    The only self-described creep and photographed ho is Mr incestuous, grab-em by the pu$$y boy and his slutty, stripper wife. Duh! You went there! 🤣🤣🤣
    I don't have a problem with President Trump's statement or First Lady's pictures. However, I do have a problem and apparently you don't with a CURRUPT 47-year long politician that likes to touch and feel up little girls. If you want to learn about your corrupt politician. Read the NY Post article below. If that doesn't make you question your position, then I have nothing else to say to you. You could lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.


  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I don't have a problem with President Trump's statement or First Lady's pictures. However, I do have a problem and apparently you don't with a CURRUPT 47-year long politician that likes to touch and feel up little girls. If you want to learn about your corrupt politician. Read the NY Post article below. If that doesn't make you question your position, then I have nothing else to say to you. You could lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

    Really? Ok, sure, let's compare Dump's own anti-American rants and his record of having the most corrupt administration ever to one news article, which, on top of everything else, the author of the article refused to put his name on the article. The problem with you Dumpsters is you are so full of Dump's Kool-aid you overlook all of Dump's atrocities and then try to equate them with one unsubstantiated news article invented by Russia and presented by Giuliani.

    You're right about one thing, no drinks for me. Enjoy your Kool-aid.

  10. #10
    Voting for President Trump is a last grasp at preserving the history of our country as it’s obvious voting for Harris, I mean VP Biden is a for sure path to having to give to those who just want more free stuff and want to change everything to fit their vision and underachieving status. Bend the rules make it easier, give Democrats everything and don’t make them earn anything in return. White guilt is a more racist term that is now acceptable I guess. Us Hispanics are being played for fools by Democrats as this vote and this ticket it about the black vote and the black population make no mistake about it. They are riding the Floyd narrative and BLM message. It’s obvious civilian trolls come on here and interject however anyone who took our oath wouldn’t even entertain the Biden/Harris narrative as it is a call to overthrow authority of any kind and to ALWAYS question authority especially the police (Us) as we don’t have the right to do our jobs and we are constantly abusing of authority.

    Do some research, Black America wants their own political party and this is the first and most important step in that process. Tearing down statues and renaming universities, schools, streets and all other. I’m tired chance was just the beginning.

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