Wow! You’re getting a new Contract. That’s really swell.
It’s exactly like the last contract, unenforceable.

Let us review the past. Remember all the problems you had the past few years? A problem of interpretation of certain aspects of the Contract in which Chief Noriega disagreed with your interpretation? Probably not because those problems, in which the Contract stated you were correct, was handled with a Memo of Understanding (MOU). These problems were smoothed over with the assistance of your City FOP Representatives, the result of a short call by Noriega to the State FOP President, a long time close friend of Noriega. Did those FOP Reps. get any special something? You bet they did. Ever hear of overtime, special assignments, work from home, leaving early, on duty Doctor Appointments, and undocumented days off? Of course not, because you were not the ones receiving those benefits.

A case in point of a major Contractual violation not addressed and many are not aware of, the current Sergeants promotional list of which I will proffer a quick explanation.

The Sergeant’s test is announced and within a few days everyone knows who will be number one after testing. Months later the test is given and everyone was correct, their guess for number 1 is spot on. Below is the tested ranking.

1. Sneaky Pete, having worked the road for approximately two years in his entire police career, manages to blow away all of the competition. He ranks 14 points above the number two guy. Many wonder if he received the test questions prior to testing, check LEO Affairs. Everyone is kinda sure he didn’t, maybe, Oh Well. Management is as Management does they say.

2. Cripple D, number 2 guy. Sgt. MDPD, Lt. MDFD, prior Military, and much more, his qualifications are extensive. He wasn’t allowed to have the “REAL” test questions, yet placed number 2 without them, only to be passed over, the Ole “I hate you” and 1 in 3 Rule.

3. Shrek gets the promotion to Sgt. as he is extremely qualified, has instructed at the college and for many Major Departments for years, trained and certified in numerous police specialty fields, college educated, prior military service, too much to list. You could say he is overqualified, could be a Lieutenant easily.

Yet over the next few months he will be placed on the “No Longer in the Club” List. They do not like him anymore, why not? They don’t really say, yet they hate Number 4 even more, what to do (We HATE number 4)? Why they extend his Sergeant probationary period 3 times, for approximately two and a half years, they hate number 4 that much, the contract states only a one year probationary status. They finally demote him citing he is incapable of filling the supervisory position of Sergeant. Guess all those training certificates and real world experience blinded him.

4. “SJ” they just hate him so much, but no reason given, early on he recognized them for who they really are. So it’s retaliation time, numerous false IA’s that are never sustained, a few complaints of “I don’t like him because he arrested me for a felony” which the Department sustains. He should have been drinking at the Hurricane Party.

5. ”The Preacher”. He also is placed on the “No Longer in the Club List”. Was President of the FOP for NBVPD, seems he recognized a corrupt management, asked a few questions and “BINGO” non-promotable; he then resigned as the FOP President.

6. “MoJo”. His poor acting career on U-Tube was his down fall.

Now this “New” contract is basically the same as the old contract, the same people will “enforce it” or we should say “not enforce it”. So why were all these actions taken and some not taken? Why no action from the FOP or the Union Representatives on the Sergeants vacancy? Was a call placed to the State President of the FOP again? We all know why, you will also notice that the qualifications for Sergeant have been adjusted downward in order to include the next recipient of the Sergeant Test Questions. Who will that be?