What Next?
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Thread: What Next?

  1. #1

    What Next?

    This is the totally moronic attitude of the liberal agenda. Holy crap, can you imagine living in New York? It's almost as bad as California.


  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    This is the totally moronic attitude of the liberal agenda. Holy crap, can you imagine living in New York? It's almost as bad as California.

    "They" are also considering the development of a rule that will prohibit officers from executing certain kinds of warrants that are discovered during a traffic stop.

    The Marxist-funded politicians and DAs/SAOs who are advocating defunding the police do not care of America's major cities implode from crime. In fact, that is their agenda, so then the Marxists can step-in as saviors to save the people from the mess that the Marxist-inspired politicians created in the first place. It's a destructive circular logic.

  3. #3
    Who cares just one less thing to worry about. Certain cities are going to make changes like it or not. Don’t work there. It really just makes our job safer and less to do and deal with. Go stop a black guy tonight for a tag light and watch what happens, ohh then ask for consent. It will be ok do it. I will never stop another black period

  4. #4
    Only specific Democratically controlled cities are being targeted with coordinated violence, while the rest of the 99.9% of the United States is violence-free. Marxist-inspired violence is not a reflection of the will of the vast majority of United States citizens, even though the MSM reports it as such.

  5. #5
    Thank goodness we live in FL!!!!!


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