Commissioner Swearinger & Governor Ron Desantis - FDLE Officer Line of Duty Death
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  1. #1
    Rashers Tierney

    Commissioner Swearinger & Governor Ron Desantis - FDLE Officer Line of Duty Death

    Commissioner Swearingen and Governor Ron Desantis

    A reserve auxiliary officer with FDLE died of a massive heart attack after returning home from a day of some type of grueling on duty training on August 7th, where you had him out in the hot 95 degree sun with no shade, no breaks, no chance to cool down. He was showing signs of heat exhaustion and you should have taken care of him better as he was a man of 71 years old. Young men in the group were falling out from heat exhaustion, that should have been a warning to look out for the elderly. Why is this not a line of duty death and why is his widow not entitled to line of duty death benefits?

    Governor Desantis, please do right by his widow.

    "May joy and peace surround you,

    Contentment latch your door,

    And happiness be with you now,

    And bless you evermore."

  2. #2
    It really does need to be and I hope this gains traction.

  3. #3
    Is the Commish and the command staff not pushing for this?


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