1. Come to work and do our jobs the way we were trained.

2. Be set up for failure by burying us in calls, forcing us to hurry to the next call until the end of the shift, bury us in reports that must be perfect, bury us in admin work that must also be done by the end of the shift. All while short handed and barely a mid shift.

3. Video and audio tape us while doing so.

4. Audit and judge everything we do and say. Plus demand quality and quantity without the proper staffing.

5. Make the video available to anyone to judge everything we do and say.

6. Put us in lose lose lose decision situations just about the entire shift. By dispatching is to call that police should not be going to like, “my idiot 12 year old is not doing what they are told”. Making us the gate keepers to the mental health system then wonder why we use so much force on the mentally ill.

7. Out the entire liability, danger, and make us the scapegoats. Take on every problem the agency can to fatten up the budget yet not fatten up our squads.

8. Immediately fire arrest suspend or write up. Investigate later.

9. No one from any agency steps up and gets on TV and explains why we were called, how things evolved, and how we do things based on how obscure the laws and criminal elements.

10. Do this with a big smile and keeping it together for 12 hours, if you are lucky, for 3 decades?

11. When, not if, but when you get in trouble, you are hung out to dry.

This job is great why?

Not quit why?

Don’t apply why?

How can you Coolaid drinkers be so blind?