Miami SROs study
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  1. #1

    Miami SROs study

    Can anyone comment on how the U.S. Justice Dept money is being spent and results are going in this MD SROs study?
    Personal replies from SROs participating would be interesting. Anonymous .

    Enhancing School Safety Officers' Effectiveness Through Online Professional and Job Embedded Coaching

    Re: Bullying School Fear Professional Role (300 participants monitored by UF)

    Brief Summary:
    The University of Florida's (UF) Lastinger Center for Learning, in partnership with the UF Psychology Department, have been funded by the National Institute of Justice to advance the skills of School Resource Officers (SROs) currently working in the Miami-Dade Schools Police Department through an innovative, scalable, online and in-person professional development system. The goal will be realized through a 36-month pilot project allowing for the development, testing, and refinement of the system conducted in partnership with the Miami-Dade County Public Schools, and includes an evaluation component to assess for efficacy and scalability.

    Primary Outcomes:

    Change in knowledge of child development, classroom management, child problem behaviors, and behavior management strategies [ Time Frame: Up to 52 weeks ]

    This assessment will be administered to all participant

    and non-participant SROs. The items will be developed by the study's team and evaluated using expert reviews and cognitive interviews. Following the first assessment, the discrimination of the items will be evaluated using item-to-total correlations and any items with low or negative item- to-total correlations will be removed from further use in the study.

    Change in knowledge of Behavioral Principles as Applied To Children Test (KBPAC) - Short Form. [ Time Frame: Up to 52 weeks ]
    The KBPAC is a 50-item instrument designed to measure basic knowledge of behavioral principles applied to children. The shortened 10-item version of the KBPAC had a Kuder-Richardson reliability estimate of 0.77 and was shown to have an internal reliability parallel to the 50-item, and 25-item versions of the test. Response options are correct or incorrect.

    Change in Trauma-Informed Self-Assessment Test [ Time Frame: Up to 52 weeks ]
    The TISAT was adapted from the Trauma- Informed Organizational Self-Assessment. The TISAT is a 17-item scale designed to measure an individual's knowledge of trauma-informed strategies associated with mental health outcomes, substance use, homelessness, triggers (reminders of traumatic events), and de-escalation techniques. Response options are a 6-point Likert-type scale where individuals self-report their level of confidence utilizing trauma-informed strategies.

    Change in General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE). [ Time Frame: Up to 52 weeks ]
    The GSE is 10-item scale designed to measure self- reported self-efficacy. The instrument was found to be correlated with sentiments of positivity and work satisfaction with lower scores signaling stress, health complains, exhaustion, depression and anxiety. Response options range from "not at all true" to "exactly true."

    Change in Self-Assessment of Social and Emotional Competencies (SASEC). [ Time Frame: Up to 52 weeks ]
    The SASEC was adapted from Section 1-Part B of the "Self-Assessing Social and Emotional Instruction and Competencies: A tool for teachers". The measure is a self-report on a 4-point Likert-Type scale of how much individuals agree that they have specific social and emotional competencies influencing SRO's interactions at the school. The 21-item measure covers the following factors of Social Emotional Competencies: Self-Awareness, Self- Management/Emotion Regulation, Social Awareness, Relationship/Social Skills, and Responsible Decision Making.

    Change in Intercultural Sensitivity Scale (ISS). [ Time Frame: Up to 52 weeks ]
    The ISS is a 24-item measure of intercultural sensitivity through five factors: interaction engagement, respect of cultural differences, interaction confidence, interaction enjoyment, and interaction attentiveness. The self-reported instrument is measured in a 5-point Likert-Type scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree).

    Change in Implicit Association Test (IAT). [ Time Frame: Up to 52 weeks ]
    The Implicit Association Test measures implicit automatic associations by tracking the speed at which participants associate different groups of words. The scale is delivered electronically using an open-source software. Scores will be evaluated using the latest scoring procedure .

    Change in LGBT Ally Identity Measure. [ Time Frame: Up to 52 weeks ]
    The LGBT Ally Identity Measure is designed to evaluate the competencies of heterosexual allies of the LGBT community with four main factors: skills to support the LGBT community, awareness of LGBT oppression, knowledge of the LGBT experience, and engagement in action with LGBT members of the community. Response options range from "not at all true" to "very true for me." The 19-item scale had a Cronbach's alpha of .68 for the knowledge and skills subscale, .81 for the openness and support subscale, and .65 for the oppression awareness subscale .

    Change in Measure of Role Clarity: [ Time Frame: Up to 52 weeks ]
    Role clarity will be measured by five items, which have a five-point Liker scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree.

    Change in Measure of Job Satisfaction [ Time Frame: Up to 52 weeks ]
    The study team will measure general job satisfaction using a five-item short form of the Brayfield-Rothe job satisfaction scale. The items of this short form are: "Most days I am enthusiastic about my work," "I feel fairly satisfied with my present job," "I find real enjoyment in my work," "Each day at work seems like it will never end," and "I consider my job rather unpleasant." The last two items are reverse-scored.

    Change in Measure of Intent to Quit [ Time Frame: Up to 52 weeks ]

    The SROs intent to quit will be measure with two questions:

    1) How likely are you to quit your job within the next month? 2) How likely are you to quit your

    job within the next year? A five-point response scale will be used: "Very likely", "Somewhat likely", "Neither likely nor unlikely", "Somewhat unlikely", "Very unlikely

  2. #2


    First of all, those people are all Obama appointees with socialist commie values. So I can assure you, no self respecting American patriot will participate in those bullshit studies. And no one will quit because democrats are calling for defunding police in their states. It's like this, pull your self by you bootstrap , toughen up, stop being *****s and snowflakes and who ing about entitlements. No one owes you nothing. Got it? Now be real men by not *****ing like women all the time!

  3. #3

    Hello Piglet

    SRO studies are not partisan and it never asked if you were quitting. They were years ago and never related to BLM and no one, on either side, is defunding police. Stop acting like a small male child.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    SRO studies are not partisan and it never asked if you were quitting. They were years ago and never related to BLM and no one, on either side, is defunding police. Stop acting like a small male child.
    Who uses pig when referring to police? The Marxist Blm and antifa financed by Soros so your comment of piglet shows you are a low life demonrat who hates police so guess what little person who cried when Hillary lost, you'll be crying again despite all the attempted voter fraud your fellow Crat's will attempt.
    In fact, here's a little history lesson from 1967 outlining all they have done through out history to hurt our beautiful nation.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    SRO studies are not partisan and it never asked if you were quitting. They were years ago and never related to BLM and no one, on either side, is defunding police. Stop acting like a small male child.
    Lolol. It’s like I posted when I didn’t.

    That’s a grant for UF. We participated by answering questions. What crazy PPO ran off at the mouth about that? These entitled kids are going to all quit first hurricane and they have to sweat and can’t go home when they want. Funny, personal days won’t work in hurricane season.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Who uses pig when referring to police? The Marxist Blm and antifa financed by Soros so your comment of piglet shows you are a low life demonrat who hates police so guess what little person who cried when Hillary lost, you'll be crying again despite all the attempted voter fraud your fellow Crat's will attempt.
    In fact, here's a little history lesson from 1967 outlining all they have done through out history to hurt our beautiful nation.
    Ok Bryan Diaz calm down with your MAGAtry

  7. #7

    Lgbt what!?

    Wait you want us normal heterosexual men and women to accept that the mental illness of a man who suddenly decides he is a women, despite the fact that both his testicles DNA are xy. , and you actually endorse that as normal!?
    Do you realize their are people who believe they are cats and cows now?.....
    You so called psychologists are more insane than the crazy man or women who thinks they are the opposite sex there are only two sexes. Want proof? See nature how only male produce sperm and women produce eggs. Sea horses are an exception. Oh wait by your science I think I'll be a sea horse. Idiots!!! Crazys!!

  8. #8
    I would also be interested to read in more detail about the U.S. Justice Dept and the distribution of funds for such studies. I am currently writing my dissertation on how the online learning system globally affects politics in the state. I wouldn`t buy any parts of my work, but I still found in case I can't find the information myself. I would really like to hear the experience firsthand, or even take an interview!


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