I have been in this county for many years. I grew up here. I do agree that fetenol wasn't here during dawsy's stretch in office. But it's a new pandemic. What sir would you do in order to get these streets clean? What I can say is that I am a recovering addict and I have seen a lot of flawed officers willing to do whatever it takes on your force and on his that have been very unlawful and not by the book. I have been sexually assaulted and lied on, had a case of intrapment almost. And I have never been a dealer. Just an addict. Great ful now for sobriety. The problem is with each individual. But I see how placing blame on the one in a certain position is necessary. Because I blamed you for a long time for what your men did to me. But later realized if I wasn't using I wouldn't. Have been in a situation to be assulted by men in power. You know those sour apples better than me. And I'm glad to see that one of them has recently been charged. And I hurt for his father that was a great man in this county. And frankly it disgust me that he was selfish enough to tarnish his father's name that way. But know that there are more. But we won't go into that. I'm a firm believer that Gid will infact get them. But it's not my place. Good luck in life sorry I ever blamed you and wrote the mean things on my truck about you. God bless