As an old timer, these are my views. This job has given me the opportunity to raise a family, save money for my kids, and lead a wholesome life. With that came negatives too. I believe i do suffer from ptsd. I’ve seen some screwed up stuff in my 20+ years. I have gone through a few chiefs, seen people come and go for different reasons. I have been fortunate to make some very good friends during that time. Been here long enough to play devil’s advocate on a few issues. Trained new rookies to use good officer safety and to not live beyond their means just in case the overtime dries up for whatever reason. I believe miami beach has been and is still the best department in south florida. Lets not lose focus of that. We all put on the uniform every day so lets be proud of what we do. Can things be better? Of course. Should we fight for that? Of course. Ladies and gentlemen, at the end of the day, we are all we have. Dont lose focus of that. Use good judgement and go home. The job has become more of a business than a brotherhood and its up to us to bring it back. This too shall pass. Not everyone becomes a police officer for miami beach so be proud that you are. Safeguard your pension. To the rookies, the day will come that your pension will be more important than a 59 or overtime. Remember that city hall does not have your best interest. Become involved in the union if you feel it does meet your expectations. Always have your partners six as he/she should have yours. Enjoy your families and remember that this is just a job. One that has alot of liability but a job at the end of the day. Stay away from drama. Live your life to its fullest. Make wise financial decisions knowing that overtime will not always be there. God bless us all.