We could do a better job in some areas
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  1. #1

    We could do a better job in some areas

    The activists with a willing media has controlled the narrative on all these major incidents. We allow this misinformation to remain out there unchallenged and it gets repeated over and over and over. Michael Brown was not shot while on his knees and his hands in the air, didn't happen, but it is all you heard. Black athletes and black politicians continued the lie. The current Briona paramedic shooting......She was shot in her bed by the police while she was sleeping. You can't tell me that the crime scene work already completed, couldn't dispute this narrative. These things have to be addressed right away or it doesn't matter if they are factual or not, enough simple minded people will believe it. Police Officers are suppose to be neutral, we don't take sides......my head is going to explode if another one takes a knee in solidarity with a group that we know is much more than the Minn case. All those snowflake white kids out their protesting are thinking that taughting the police, throwing items, tearing down statues, and not leaving when ordered to is okay. Losing two police sub stations because defending them would have required deadly force. What message does leaving them send? Politicians firing officers virtually on the spot without even waiting for a investigation. Police Managers staying in a command bus instead of being on the front lines, in so many of these cities. We also fail to get the message out there of what justifies the use of deadly force, including instances when the violator is not armed. Two GD things that would avoid nearly a 100% of these violent encounters......follow commands, do not resist. Wobbly support or no support is causing police officers who can retire to do just that. Who would want to get into this profession now. Your going to see a dramatic change in the quality of people getting hired, and some of that is on our leadership. Its to late to make a stand now, you have been run over by the mob and the activists, they win the narrative everytime due to your inaction.

  2. #2
    We need better quality suspects and inmates who obey law enforcement, which will result in fewer uses of force, restraints and shootings.

  3. #3
    I keep getting told "the silent majority supports you". They need to speak the f%@k up. And now. I know a lot of bright Deputies looking at the exit door. Good cops dont need this job. They choose to do it. Eventually youre going to be scraping the bottom of the barrel worse than ever before. All those desperate guardians and mall cops will be backing you up when decent cops move on.

    Republican politicians need to take a stand and put a stop to this stuff. Otherwise they can take the hours, the subpar pay, the constant fear of being fired for literally doing your job and obeying the law and the bullshit 30 year pension and do this themselves.

  4. #4
    This has nothing to do with cops and everything to do a bunch of anarchist and anti government activist attempting to blame cops for their piss poor situation that they have created themselves in life. Let’s talk about decades of poverty in the black community created by social welfare systems and government hand outs. If patrolling streets in high crime area Is offensive then will stop. Stop talking about chokeholds and more Social workers needed. It starts in the family household and upbringing.

  5. #5
    If I was deciding on a career right now it certainly would not be law enforcement. Especially in the Democrat controlled states and cities but it is coming here too. Just more slowly. No back up from the politicians who are looking to hang you to protect their political careers and placate the rioters. No good reason to risk getting prosecuted or ending up in prison for a paycheck, no matter how dedicated to public safety and service you are. This is the new reality, sad to say.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    If I was deciding on a career right now it certainly would not be law enforcement. Especially in the Democrat controlled states and cities but it is coming here too. Just more slowly. No back up from the politicians who are looking to hang you to protect their political careers and placate the rioters. No good reason to risk getting prosecuted or ending up in prison for a paycheck, no matter how dedicated to public safety and service you are. This is the new reality, sad to say.
    Just witness an injustice in Atlanta. What a ****ing joke. Charge a innocent officer with 11 counts including murder.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Just witness an injustice in Atlanta. What a ****ing joke. Charge a innocent officer with 11 counts including murder.
    At least he will get rich when he files his civil case.


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