As a deputy, while on duty, If I am HERE doing something that is required of my job, like an investigation or a call. A job that requires full quality, attention to detail, and reports that require full detail with ZERO mercy for even one inaccuracy. While doing these mandated tasks and a problem emerges over THERE, like another call, how does that become my problem? I cant work two calls in two different areas at once. The saying goes, “Take it one call at a time”. However, how can that be done when we leave calls incomplete in order to start other calls? If a report Is not conplete or evidence has not been processed, then the associated call is not complete. If you hold a report “for later” that investigation and call are not done. So, again, If I am HERE doing something that is required of my job, and something emerges over THERE, how is that my problem? The question should be... Why was there not someone over THERE already standing by for that new investigation or call. If we are slammed and calls hold... If we hump calls for 12 hours barely keeping up and usually Drowning, how has this agency managed to brainwash us into taking the blame? We are slugs if we cant get to a holding call. We are slugs if we are not fast enough. We are slugs for Ins... THE AGENCY’S FAILURE TO STAFF US. All while giving it everything you can give snd more. If you want zone integrity From us.... First, give us the means. Give us the required amount of deputies. And second, the agency should start with having zone integrity of its own. At a minimum take the blame for its failures. Same applies to critically short handed units like traffic homicide, crime scene, and so on... people are miserable so they quit. Quitting makes us short handed. Being short handed makes this miserable job even more miserable and so on and so forth. A downward spiral that no one cares about. This agency is in a steep dive that will soon be unrecoverable.