The Village like most other municipalities have been working with a skeleton crew and are still maintaining a superb level of service. Instead of being understanding, sympathetic to the challenges they are facing, or even recognizing the exhausting hours that staff and the employees have been putting in (they have been showing up everyday busting their asses) certain residents are killing what little moral is left. The manager and Mayor are playing right into it. It also doesn’t help moral and is completely uncalled for to bash specific employees on social media! Can you image to have to work at a place where if you make a mistake it’s all over Facebook on a page that most residents see. How embarrassing! Shame on you!! I’m sure the Clerk got direction from the Manager and or the attorney to cancel the board meetings. Did you even ask those questions before attacking her on Facebook?
During these demanding times, it is not, nor should it be our staffs main priority that someone’s hedges are too high, or there is a STVR, some garbage in a parking lot, or a mirror on the street is damaged. We are in the middle of a pandemic! Are you kidding me! Certain quality of life issues just have to wait so we are not wasting time, resources or not putting our employees At risk over BS when there are clearly more important things to be addressed. Be a little more understanding.
Would love someone to paste this on the residents speak page. It would probably be deleted immediately.