Mayor and his drive by on a commissioner gets an IR
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  1. #1

    Exclamation Mayor and his drive by on a commissioner gets an IR

    Stef is reporting on her blog (and mentioned us) that the mayor contacted Major Rand on the evening of Good Friday to request a report be made about a conversation between a commissioner and the city manager earlier about the mayor driving down the commissioner's street a few times. Guess who draws the short end of the stick to write the report? GO FIGURE! The report is well, LIGHT.

    Who calls in a report direct to command staff about bullshit crap at dinner time on Good Friday?

    I heard what wasn't included in the report was about surveillance footage and additional witnesses that demonstrated the mayor sitting in his SUV stationary in front of commissioner's house for 20 long minutes. WTH

    NO ONE has the balls to confront the BS in and out of NMBPD. True leadership.

    North Miami never looked so good.


  2. #2
    Sounds like a 56.02 with a 41.02. Probably a 18.01 and a 24.01, too. Remember, he was pulled over and cited for a 18.01 before.


  3. #3
    So does IA have an investigation into elected officials? Effective leadership! Hurrah!

  4. #4


    What's a civy doing pulling strings on the night of Good Friday inside the chain of command? County Code Section 2-11.1(g), "Exploitation of Official position prohibited."


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