I love this agency but...
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  1. #1

    I love this agency but...

    Working at the PBSO is a rewarding career. I couldn’t ask for a better Sheriff.
    But, I have trouble with his closeness to the little narcissistic tyrant who thinks he runs the agency in addition to the PBA.
    Kaz is so damn impressed with himself that there is no room for others to be impressed. I do feel for his personal loss but I feel as if he has exploited the issue way beyond a noble cause.
    We should not have A retired union president. They can have an advisory position but we should be represented by one of our peers, not former ones.
    Kaz’ personality will never change. Thankfully his son does not possess the same traits and is a very secure man with himself. He doesn’t have to act tough to be tough where the father has to.
    Thank you Sheriff for all that you do for us.

  2. #2
    Kaz is an arrogant little man with a complex. He thinks of himself as a dictator of a nation instead of a democracy.
    I like his antics especially when someone doesn’t agree with him. Work the BBQ squad for a bit and you’ll see what I Mean.

  3. #3
    Kaz is a huge factor of the many problems within PBSO. Has totally lost sight of what his position or of what the PBA stands for. If he or his cronies do not like you, you will be left on the side of the road and hung out to dry. As for his son, he is no genius but will be given everything in clouding rank and positions because of Kaz. Another biproduct of the ongoing nepotism at this agency.

  4. #4
    Did you guys ever see how that arrogant little man started a fight and got arrested? He was a total tool to Palm Beach Gardens PD, talking smack. Read the report for yourself, you can find it here:


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