Douche bag Steadman Stahl caugh red handed taking supplies from the PBA
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  1. #1

    Douche bag Steadman Stahl caugh red handed taking supplies from the PBA

    Steadman Stahl caught taking toilet paper and bounty towels from PBA.
    One can only surmise that Steadman Stahl is too good to stand in line like the rest of us working stiffs. Yesterday, he was seen loading up his suv (which we pay for) with toilet paper and bounty paper towels from the PBA stock.
    We pay for the toilet paper and all
    The other supplies on that building.
    Lord only knows if he took more.
    Ironically, Stahl has become so paranoid that the PBA now has cameras installed around the entire building. I guess he doesn’t trust law enforcement members, or the staff. And, the only one that should be watched is him.

    Stahl has sunk to new lows. What a total

  2. #2
    What a POS! The guy only cares about himself. He’s in the wrong kind of work.

  3. #3
    Scum bag extraordinaire is what Stahl is


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