Since the debate was cancelled. There are things that I wanted posted, so that you the employees know where I stand on issues involving BSO. I had no intention of running for sheriff after my retirement, however after my retirement my dad became ill and then past away. Five days after burying my father the MSD mass shooting occurred. Those that know me also know that I was at the FLL shooting just the year prior to the MSD incident. I retired after nine months of no changes at the airport. So, after serving 28 years I retired and was going to leave for Arizona. After MSD occurred I stayed in Florida and fought to get rid of Scott Israel. After knowing he was going to be removed I was ready to leave the state again. Then I found that sheriff Phony Tony is the biggest fraud in the history of BSO. Then I saw the list of candidates that were running. Like Scott Israel( nope ), Hapless Alvin Pollock ( stated in many debates that he has the experience and knowledge. He also looks out for himself and himself only. He has also demonstrated that he has no common sense ( dolphin football player incident). Willie Jones ( very friendly and can talk to anyone, but freezes under high stress situations) in this work you have to make the call spontaneously without fear or hesitation, without fear of getting in trouble. Andrew Smalling ( failed leadership votes of no confidence ) Smalling would be better at running for the schoolboard based on his credentials, in other words he is in the wrong race.

Each candidate has switched to democrat just to win the election regardless of their personal values, which means they are only running for the position for power, money, and prestige of the title. I have been to all the debates, but I could not participate, the debates were democratic candidates only. In all the debates the candidates would state the same things that we have heard in the past ( a committee for the elderly, mental health awareness and better community relations). We have heard this for thirty years. Liker I said I was not going to run for sheriff, but enough of the lies and same BS. In those debates not one candidate stated that I will give you the absolute truth, that I am doing this out of heart for the employees and the people of Broward County, Not for myself . I am NPA which means I belong to the employees and the people of Broward County. Not to a political agenda. I will not make back door deals for political gain or power, we have had that for the past thirty years. It's time to bring honesty and truth into the office. You can have all the programs in the world, but they fail due to political corruption and selfish ambitions of the sheriff, which affects the over all morale of the employees. I will take care of the employees, you are Broward's most vital asset. (DLE, DOD,Fire ) will have the best pay. This is also for recruiting, many times people have come gotten certified and then left for another agency, due to pay and benefits. Health care will be given by the best provider, not the provider that gives the most political support as in the past. The past education packages only covered criminal justice related fields of study. That stops with me. All education will be covered. If you want to study accounting your covered, if you want to study nursing your covered. A rule of a successful agency or business is 1. Always give the employees an exit strategy. 2. Create an atmosphere so that the employees want to stay. Employees suffer from injuries, illnesses or they become burnt out and they are stuck and miserable. You served, you deserve a life after service. So this is the purpose of the change of the educational package. Where will the money come from ? We will start with all that money that past sheriffs have spent on propaganda. This is not about me it's about you and I am here to fight for you. And those that know me, know that I am a great fighter. There will always be due process for employees. No more wasted arbitrations and lawsuits, because of personal feelings. I will not sell out to a political donor. That has been the failure of past sheriffs. So these are just some of things I would have spoke of in the debate, but it was cancelled. If you vote for the other candidates, you will get the same thing as the past. They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over, hoping for a different result. Let's stop the insanity. Vote Chuck Whatley NPA. feel free to ask any questions.