I would like to congratulate former Chief Deputy Mark Scharder of the Highlands County Sheriff's Department for being nominated as the new city manager of Avon Park. Mark has phenomenal record as a law enforcement officer. His integrity, moral character and transparency is beyond reproach. For all of these individuals on this website who slander Mark, are most likely the ones who are current elected officials or family members who have been threatened by a law abiding city official who will NOT tolerate corruption or nepotism. I won't name any names, but they know who they are and the masters they serve. These vicious and nefarious individuals have attempted to destroy Mark's character on this website and have posted very slanderous untrue statements in an attempt to destroy his moral character and ruining his chances at gaining meaningful employment. I would like to point out that individuals who violate laws and city or county charters always proliferate their discontent of having a law abiding citizen in a position of authority. Mark, Godspeed to your new job and please use your many talents to finally make Avon Park a city of fairness, diversity and equality to all the citizens you will serve, not the few. I must profess my support to man who will will root out the corruption once and for all!