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Thread: Nas

  1. #1


    why tf does a former Lt shoot two of our guys in a shooting?

  2. #2
    Hell it took a on duty swat guy to take out the bad guy! No street smarts these days

  3. #3
    Well the old saying goes you are either SWAT or not

  4. #4
    Deputy Glass was there getting the job done. Arrogant statements about being SWAT serve no one

  5. #5
    I want to say I appreciate all the deputies. I appreciate the job they do and I know it’s dangerous. I hate that something good turns into this because of inept leaders. You have a base police officer shoot at least one deputy! Another deputy is so careless he loaded his gun with the wrong AMMO!!! Then when a man shows up AFTER ALL of the above the bad guy is killed by a good guy. There were not a dozen hero’s .......there were many victims to be that a cop saved. Great job by Holland. Another way Morgan ruins a proud moment for good cops.

  6. #6
    Are you really kicking a guy when he’s down due to having the wrong caliber ammo mixed in his magazine? He didn’t hesitate to run into harms way. Some never entered the building. I have to believe this post was generated to distract from the obvious ethical problems currently plaguing the administrative staff. To this day no action has been taken against their actions to ruin an IA investigation. The texts are public and show a complete lack of ethics/morals and intent to punish the complainant. What justification could the sheriff have to ignore these actions?

  7. #7

    IA Sgt

    What about the Sgt in IA that got back in his tahoe and it’s on video...has be been held accountable for being a coward? Absolutely not they don’t want that getting out but it’s coming so just hold your hat!

  8. #8
    I hadn't heard about that! Who? That's cowardice and that is a clear issue with policy. We dont allow a week one trainee to sis out, why would we not expect even more of a SGT. Especially one who has his or her stuff enough together to go to IA. Call sissy boy out. Who was it?

  9. #9
    Everyone is fair game. They will go after you for the stupidest stuff, but if it's something that will be in the spot light and make the sheriff look bad they will cover that crap up. That's how this shining example of our Administration works. Dirty rotten crooks all of them. And I say all because none have the stones to stand up and do or say what is right. They just blindly fallow number 3s lead.

  10. #10


    That would be the stellar SV...I was there and have watched it on in car video! Just pull of MK video from the incident!

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