RACE "CANNOT" be determined by DNA test
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  1. #1

    RACE "CANNOT" be determined by DNA test

    You science illiterate screw balls. YOU CANNOT DETERMINE RACE BY DNA GENETICS TESTS. This is scientific Consensus not my opinion had you known how genetics works you'd be very careful on what you are determining.

    Genetic analysis enables scientists to estimate the geographic ancestry of a person by using ancestry-informative markers, and by inference the probable racial category into which they will be classified in a given society. In that way there is a distinct statistical correlation between gene frequencies and racial categories. However, because all populations are genetically diverse, and because there is a complex relation between ancestry, genetic makeup and phenotype, and because racial categories are based on subjective evaluations of the traits, there is no specific gene that can be used to determine a person's race.

    You might be able to see where you may have come from but it doesnt determine your race. due to it be very subjective you can not even make a scientific case for being black. GOOD LUCK


  2. #2
    What is this thing you call science. Its just a liberal bias


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