Will Ortiz be ROD today ? Tuesday 1/21/20 over a million views - Page 3
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  1. #21
    The man is a genius , he's accused of misleading in a promotional exam application which is not criminal but a civil matter internally nothing but administrative protocol which the worst will be to disqualified the candidate ,now ,how can you prove intent to defraud in a civil matter by the way ,when at the time and with new information that he had African descendant running on his blood ,he felt the need to identified with the black race ,is how you feel at the time in lieu of new information that he had , he still did well on the test on his own merit , if anything this will exposed the fraudulent system of the testing system not his actions that were merely emotional at the time when he realized that he's a black descendant from the African continent

  2. #22
    Really let’s try official misconduct and falsifying an official document which both are felony’s. The score was grade and curve by the testing company or doj based on the fact that he was a black male. Nobody takes a test and then start changing what percentage each exercise should be have unless they want to manipulate the outcome.

    Regardless how this turns out Ortiz will be ROD or fired for a very long time. This will last at least 2 -3 years. Not to mention everything he has pending.

    Relax cause now the real games start for him. People will start turning his back on him. I’m assuming his also relieved as the District director for the Fop.

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