I am planning on hosting a few meet and greets for the 2020 election including the #SheriffRace. Currently, there are only two candidates: Kurt Hoffman and Paul Fern. My personal focus on vetting candidates will be character, committment to Open Government as a means to reinstate Public Trust in our government through accountability and equal justice. Thus, restoring trust and faith in Law enforcement is paramount. While Character should be Qualification 1 for Sheriff.. what if both candidates are of equal character?

Please help the public make the best choice for Sheriff and provide your serious feedback on this thread. I have limited first hand knowledge on both candidates, and I am certain the public has even less information. Maybe Hoffman is the right choice, or maybe it is time for fresh perspectives that Fern may provide. What say you all that live it on a daily basis?

1. What are the top 3 characteristics the public should seek in the Sheriff candidates?

2. What 3 questions would you ask each of the Sheriff candidates?

3. What are your opinions on each of the candidates.. preferably with verifiable reasonings. I am all about 'Trust but Verify'. Any leads on pertinent public records requests that might provide insight would be greatly appreciated.

Happy New Year!