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Thread: White Rat

  1. #11
    Wow what a trickster. You got us, you wish it was just a couple people. And if you are higher than a 200 number like this turd said you probably want to jump ship before you are stuck. The grass is greener on the other side because you work for the most incompetent dirty self absorbed administration ever. They will work harder to screw over an officer in an IA than they would investigating a homicide case. We are being lead by a group of people who call themselves cops but never did the work of a real cop. Andy said he doesn't like how the sheriff and Haynes do things and wants real cops to like him but all he is is a high paid prostitute. He now is playing Simmons in hopes he gets to stay in his high paying do nothing position. Remember when he talked crap on David and was behind Ronnie Mac and hid under Aikens desk all day long. Until they weren't the star quarterbacks any more. Now he sets his sights on the new QB and talks crap on David And Eric. Well to give him credit he's always talked crap on Eric. And Eric everyone knows how you are nasty, lying corrupt, power hungry snake not one person under you likes or stands behind you. They act like it but just in it for the money and position. All of them won't say it to your face but they all tell others your worthless. You have nobody who you can count on because when you're back is against the wall because you yourself have no loyalty or honor. Even the scum you surround yourself with don't like you are just playing your game.

  2. #12
    I can testify. I sat and listened to the EH lies and schemes that fat slob liar

  3. #13
    Please EH fire the next one

  4. #14
    Fund raiser idea to support any good cause. Sell tickets to watch EH take the PAT with no ambulance on standby. Like or dislike his ways he is a fat slob

  5. #15
    Haines you think your idolized by your little creation Mindy but she would turn on you as fast as she had turned on everybody else stepping on them or worse just to get ahead. Thelbert All of your little fat admin peeps are backstabbing immoral and incompetent. But your too arrogant to see past your bony nose. Your just as immoral and corrupt as the people you have under you.

  6. #16
    Is there anyone out there who respects Haines

  7. #17
    No he showed his real colors a long time ago. He would screw over his own mom if she challenged him and his tiny intellect. The boy thinks he's smart but not. He'll be fresh meat in prison if all his dirty deeds catch up to him and he finally goes down for being the dirtiest cop around. I can't believe he is still a free man. The justice system doesn't work and he is living proof. But when you can investigate your self and clear your own IA what do you expect. Be glad Eric your where you are because anywhere else besides Escambia county you'd be in prison for the things you've done. Morgan is a putts and everyone knows you run the show as #3 it's crazy to see good people go down because of you and after all the dirty crap you have done. I hope some day Karma comes to visit you and you get yours. A coward like you won't last long behind bars.

  8. #18
    Haines is a hollow shallow man. I don’t know if he has one real friend in this world. He is not a leader. He is a liar and pretends to be some sort of intellectual giant but being a fat slob of course detracts from what intelligence he does have and after a while you realize he isn’t that smart. I find it interesting that just a few years ago he was a serious detractor and trash talker against the Sheriff and now PRETENDS to adore him but I have been around when he slips up and his true hatred of the sheriff seeps out

  9. #19
    Still the same couple of outsiders trying to make it sound like they know what really happened around here. JS you've been told just enough true information to make you believe the lies it's surrounded by. EH hasn't done anything criminal, but you will always believe he has. Is he a bad Chief? Yes. Is he egotistical, and wrong about a lot? Yes. Is he a criminal? No.

    The people who have been fired are trying their hardest to make everyone else see them as victims when really they just couldn't give up the corrupt ways of previous administrations.

    It's time for this admin to go and it's unfortunately gonna be Chip or DA neither are a good choice but chips better. Regardless the corruption of days past are gone and no matter how much they cry about it the days of bribing people with the info in a little black book are over. The days of double dipping on the clock are over. The days of stealing something just because "I'm the law" are over.

  10. #20
    Humdinger a real humdinger

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