Liar Steadman Stahl
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  1. #1

    Liar Steadman Stahl

    Steadman, the Pathological liar
    Gleefully dishonest, intentionally ambiguous, eternally bored, and unfathomably manipulative- pathological liars like Steadman are the ultimate master of deception. They always have excuses for their inexcusable behavior, and somehow it is never their fault. They cheat, manipulate, and steal. But they still play the victim. They lie, even when it is not necessary-even when the truth would be a better story. They lie for sport, as proof that the recipient of their lies is inferior to them. However, believing in someone else does not make a person weak. It makes them capable of love, trust, compassion, and kindness. These are all emotions that the pathological liar, like Steadman, is incapable of feeling. In his attempt to manufacture superiority, Steadman only reveals the pitiful nature of emptiness that consumes his soul.

  2. #2
    What a mess that PBA has become.

  3. #3
    They have been handed him his azz on MDPD site.


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