I had a dream, a dream that has clearly gone to hell. Not only have we as a people been given equality, we achieved superiority in opportunities. Black only grants, black majority universities and scholarships. Some of our brothers and sisters in the world of athletics left the field to coach, manage and own. Brothers and sisters earned masters degree and doctorates. One held the Office of the President of The United States of America. And what have we done with it? What have you done with it? You smashed it! You ruined it. You lost it. You fell in love with welfare and section 8 housing to subsidize your nefarious money making schemes. You took it over from people who truly needed it. You changed it from a helping hand to an expected perk. You took the sanctity of family and smashed that too. You have babies with no care for the institution of marriage or the blessing of a two parent home. And you kill EACH OTHER at an alarming rate!! What happened to my dream? It wasn’t the white man who destroyed my dream. It it those I had this dream for that pissed it away for a flashy car, a hood rat trick and gangster notoriety. My dream is long gone. Good luck.