It has to stop
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Thread: It has to stop

  1. #1

    It has to stop

    As a resident and former law enforcement official, I would have to look at the leadership of our police department. It appears there has been multiple situations as I am told of bad and maybe criminal actions on part of NBV police. Drinking on duty, use of the police cars while off duty, sleeping on duty non action and not producing any work product is just a few of the things that have gone on under police chief Noriega. I know of several officers that have recently left for bad behavior but were never investigated by the department just called in and told to resign. One officer has failed probation and is back in our distant center.
    We pay as citizens many thousands of dollars for gas, wear and tear on our police cars that are being torn up while not on duty here in out one mile Village. We can save hundreds of thousands of dollars by having our cars left here in the Village with the exception of a few on call personnel. The days of us paying for the abuse of financial lose because of the abuse of some of the officers has to be looked at. We pay for gas and oil for officers to go home from far south Dade to up in Palm Beach!
    This arrest of our police sergeant has brought to light the absurd cost and abuse of our resources when we are a small Village. That has a 4 million dollar police budget. We only need 6 to 8 police cars or so for use in the city and a couple of cars for others that are on call. We have over 35 vehicles owned or leased and it’s assured.

  2. #2


    Now only use the cars from work to home and vise versa? Well let’s see GPS on ALL CARS including chief and assistant chief and let’s not forget the two lieutenants.
    Accountability for all. GPS to be monitored by City Hall.

  3. #3

    Who you kidding?!

    City hall is in bed with the these scumbags. Remember the old saying, "sleep with dogs, you're bound to get fleas!" Mr. Law Enforcement professional up top seems to be part of why our profession is going down the dumps. We have no leaders, we have politicians who get threatened by leaders. The disparity from those that kiss ass to those that do the job is pandemic, in every profession. I can't wait for another 10 years when this place and all the damage being done comes forward. Then they wonder why NBV is known as the cesspool of corruption. The only comfort is knowing it's everywhere.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Now only use the cars from work to home and vise versa? Well let’s see GPS on ALL CARS including chief and assistant chief and let’s not forget the two lieutenants.
    Accountability for all. GPS to be monitored by City Hall.

  4. #4


    Agree, the brass here at NBV is the cause for the down fall and embarrassment. Noriega has hired all of his friends with do nothing jobs but big salaries to allowing his lieutenants to run amok with no oversight. What do you expect from the rank and file when they are screwing up and getting arrested. They just see all of D.B. and brass with no GPS and total use of their cars and time coming and going with impunity. None of them put in their time during a work week yet some how still getting over time and raking up hours on the books. Maybe we will be up to 7 million for the police Dept budget next year.

    Want to save money? No take home cars, make the lieutenants work the road, fire the part time accreditation guy who by the way has a take home car and works from home making over 53,000 a year!!!!!

    Make the Asst. Chief run the road and DB as a point of contact, put one lieutenant in charge of days and the other in charge of nights.

    With all the brass now during the day just “hanging around going to two hour lunches”, if someone calls out make a lieutenant or detective or even the Asst. Chief fill in as the third person on the road.

    I’m tired of living here and paying for all of this waste, we can easily save 500,000 a year with no decline in service.

    In the know,
    Tax Payer.

  5. #5


    I think it is time to revisit Annexation by Miami Beach.

    NBV is seen as a nice little cash cow for those lucky enough to worm their way in. Look at the new Administration. Out of control spending, nice raises, fancy consultants telling us what we already know, hiring friends, you name it. Can you imagine what life would be like for our police brass if they had to actually WORK? Why do we think we need to duplicate so much of what is right over the bridge?

    As a tax payer, I am tired of seeing my money fill the pockets of others with the same old crap here in the Village. When will our streets be paved? When will the Causeway be cleaned up? Will we ever get the new Fire Station promised years ago? These are BASIC services municipalities are supposed to provide.

    Dog parks are nice but lets get real. With these spending priorities, we will always be a joke and a dump.


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