We stahled the pba! Dont point the finger now! We voted for him! We had a choice. We wanted the other guy out, remember. He hired A criminal friend to over see everything, we sucked it up and stayed quiet, remember. You wanna bi&@h, go to a meeting, face to face. Go to the hall, its your right as a member. Over and over we punked ourselves. We agreed to keeping the rookies, we agreed to this guy and we agreed again to whatever lil bit of money the county dangled in our face. They got exactly what they wanted so suck it up. If u dont like the pba , quit. If u dont like the HPOA, they dont like you either. Pa fuera! Go play dominoes and smoke on 8st, Your wife is probably safer there anyways! If your an fto and not happy, quit. Get that stress off your back! Its not worth it. Also, Dont worry about other folks and who they are fu$@“ing. Worry about you, yo mama and how youre going to pay your phone bill, that im sure is late!!If you dont like where u work, transfer or quit, stop whining already. You dont like the cameras, quit! You dont like the director, quit! The county needs you like U need a tumor in your nut sack.Theres plenty of depts hiring. Just Imagine if u really had to work for a living. The sad part is that the sorriest motherfu&$&&rs are the main ones complaining. Thank you and Go f@$k yourselves. Have a nice day!