Female Gables Cop Rampage in Kendall
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  1. #1

    Female Gables Cop Rampage in Kendall

    Female Gables Cop on Kendall Patrol in the Hammocks 730am today. I wonder if Ed Hudak knows that this young female rookie chasing after motorists making them pull over while she gives you “need to use your blinker speech” because “you may have couldhave caused an accident” Meanwhile she is speeding though county streets not using her blinker and near hits a group of teenagers trying to cross the street. She had to slam her breaks so hard her car rocked back and forth.
    Then she kept harassing motorist after motorist. Was she hitting the bottle of Jack this morning?
    Is there a special detail going on for the Gables in Kendall?
    I have her car number and I will forward an official complaint to Hudak and IA.
    Little rebel renegade cop could of killed some innocent kids today over a use your blinker rampage!!!! #GetALife #TheCountyCanHandleTheirOwn
    #Go BackTo The Gables

  2. #2
    LOL!!!!! Not surprised 😮


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