20.165 Florida Statutes
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  1. #1

    20.165 Florida Statutes

    Ever wonder why this Division’s LEO’s get restricted? Section 20.165 Florida Statutes. Learn it. It used to be MORE restrictive before the current language was enacted in 2006. Here’s the committee report on the subject (aka, simple language) https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Secti...1&Session=2006

    Before that, Agents were even more handicapped. Feel free to read the strikes and such in the bill: https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Secti...4&SessionId=42

    Enacting law: http://laws.flrules.org/2006/222

    This may enlighten some people as to why the Division makes the wild mood swings with priorities. It may be annoying, but that’s how the legislature wrote it.

  2. #2
    Back Story-

    The verbiage was intend to be very simple with language taken from the Dep. of Ag.
    However, the beverage industry and the Sheriffs Assoc. had other thoughts. The beverage industry did not want the focus taken away from the beverage law, no street corner drug deal enforcement. Then you had the Sheriffs Assoc. who wanted to be kept in the loop about investigations (power/control), ok- even if we rarely informed them anyways. The strikeouts and amending came from negotiating in order to have full support. Then you have governor bush write his letter about traffic violations. At the end of the day, ABT agents have full law enforcement powers and can take action if needed.


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