He’s just another smuck who fell victim and now subject to the years of devious DV work that most MDPD puercas especially out of the Kendall District spread. Funny this guy fell for a preying mantis badge bunny freak, another star protege of its Freak Gun Slinging District leader who after her own DV scandals got back on TOP for a second run as leader of Kendall and all thanks to the power of the mighty sloppy “P”. This place is a joke,like it’s dancing queen who now wants to blame his useless crony Majors at his morning dance off at HQ. The problem here is the lack of training, political correctness, and simply the nepotism in this place is disgusting. If you been watching just look at the memo’s the queen fixes and send to all except the proper discipline or termination for those who screw up over and over (9 lives). He and his group are getting exactly what they deserve after destroying the moral and fine crime ridding oiled machine this place was. Hypocritical speeches, he and his cronies talk about police work where are thier BWC (camaras). The Beach Chief wears a body camara so why not them. Well because they bunch of hypocrites and liars. I don’t see Hialeah PD wearring camaras, they flat out refuses and said we ain’t wearing or buying them! All dacing queen is doing is playing into the Miami Dade liberal cop hating and Thug loving voting class for his political aspirations. He and his crew are hypocrites and frauds, reminds me of the Time Life article in the 80’s “Pariidise Lost” all thanks to these frauds, unqualified useless cronies.

So keep Singing 🎤 and dancing Queeny

To All The Puercas I Loved Before