Rod Skirvin not the savior many claimed
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  1. #1

    Rod Skirvin not the savior many claimed

    IUPA just gave PBA a massive old fashion spanking. However during the last election many said that BSO would come back to PBA if Rod were president instead of Jeff Marano. Well that want the case. In fact they suffered the greatest loss in PBA history under Rod.

    We better unite to get Jeff back or we too could be facing issues. Rod is a weakling compared to the warrior we had in Jeff.

  2. #2
    The vote had nothing to do with Marano or Skirvin. Heck, if you held a photo of each of then to a BSO employee, they wod tell you that they have never seen these people before.

    BSO stayed away from the PBA because they are bad for business and consistently lie to the people they represent.

    IUPA allows the membership to elect the executive board
    IUPA allows the membership to vote on who to endorse.
    IUPA has a legal defense fund with over 30 million in reserves
    IUPA never tells someone not to file a grievance.

    IUPA provides us with evefything we ask the PBA to provide but refuses to.


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