Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Check this guy's website out. He is the real deal. His experience is impressive.
At least theres no criminal genes in that candidadtes family. I'd bet this guys kids would be normal god citizens, If this candidate is elected the ATV can property thefts stats would drop by 20%, but on the down side a few 'auto dealers' and 'part and salvage' would lose some business.

Questions to ask this candidate;

1) Are you a swamp buggy enthusiast?
2) Do you suffer from some sort of minor chronic body odor issues?
3) Are you suspicious of anyone with some fancy high school learning?
4) Do you resemble in any way an adult version of the fat kid in camp with asthma and crusty body flakes which are oily?
5) How many Facebook profiles do you have? How many gender identities?
6) Are skittles your favorite candy?
7) Who is the most important person in your life?
8) If you could be anyones puppet, whos would you be and why?
9) How many daddys do you have, biological and political
10) Oral board for promotion, do you give them or just prefer to watch the process
11) IAs are a management tool, investigative tool, or are you the tool and just get used (willingly, of course, "consent"..)
12) How large of a closet do you have (small, good sized, walk in, or not at all)
13) What are your philosophies in bike cops? Are you Bike-curious in any form? Would much of a bike-cop unit would you like
14) Hypothetical; If you had adult children and one was a practical synonym for thefts and stolen property and God knows wtf else - would you be concerned or terminate whoever was putting a case together- a case with more legs than a catepillar..