Three Decades - Page 2
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Thread: Three Decades

  1. #11
    Michael dowd

    Three decades

    Sheriff tonyS, I've
    Worked here three months and criminals like me ,my drug dealer likes me, and l loved working here!! I was watching police women of browar D county and thought site dudes with shaved heads and Facebook pics of what they threw up for lunch! Damn I forgot what I was saying! Oh yea why did YOU fire me???? I do not agree! Ps Who is the retard that writes discuss? Discuss your mlmma! Let me come back sheriff Tony i will wash your suv!!!

  2. #12
    Sheriff, if the OP is being truthful, and **u are indeed carrying out hits on seasoned command who are unrelated to MSD or Israel on behalf of a Union or any other individual under the ruse of cleansing crony hires, there will be serious and immediate fallout. Following **ur speech about being a cop, not a politician, and **ur rave about the extensive talent already at BSO, based on this incident alone, **u are proving to be a hypocrite and a liar.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Sheriff, if the OP is being truthful, and **u are indeed carrying out hits on seasoned command who are unrelated to MSD or Israel on behalf of a Union or any other individual under the ruse of cleansing crony hires, there will be serious and immediate fallout. Following **ur speech about being a cop, not a politician, and **ur rave about the extensive talent already at BSO, based on this incident alone, **u are proving to be a hypocrite and a liar.
    Dear OP and LP,
    Thanks for your first post and this most recent post. You are a donkey. LMFAO!

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