Applying for HPD
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  1. #1

    Applying for HPD

    I'm trying to get some information about HPD. I can't find the current contract online, or almost any information for that matter. I'm currently employed by another agency but we don't have take homes and it would be nice to cut my daily drive by more than 30 minutes one way. Anyone got any info on when HPD will be hiring? Also any info on the department is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Don’t waste your breath and apply at Miami-Dade Police, Miami Beach. Homestead to corrupt and it’s all about who’s balls to suck and lick.....

  3. #3
    Sucks to hear that. I'm sure every place has their issues. I've been looking at the county recently but they haven't opened up in a while.

  4. #4
    To the OP,
    You didn't even go to the water cooler for information, you went to the dumpster in the back alley. You'll receive very little if any positive, truthful information on this site. Here you'll mostly receive disgruntled complaints. If you want real information about HPD, go to the source. Forget the naysayers, if you live in Homestead it only makes sense to work as close as possible to home.


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