Quick Question
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Thread: Quick Question

  1. #1

    Quick Question

    Have you guys worked with a cop with a slight stuttering not the point of being a disability but rather a light verbal tic/ nuisance ?

    Would that be a disqualifier for a nob-certified looking to apply at PDs?

  2. #2
    Slight - yes

    Moderate - no

    It is not a "disqualifier"....but you have to realize it could be an officer safety issue. If it could affect a radio transmission during a high stress event (foot chase, shots fired, car chase, etc) then the job isn't for you, and that is for your own safety. Help can't arrive to save you if you can't get the information out. There are cops that have slight stuttering quirks...but not to the point of jeopardizing their lives if they find themselves in that situation.

  3. #3
    Hell no it won’t stop you. Our PBA reps and president stutters every time we ask to see the books. You’re as good as in.


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