ARRESTED: Officer Jonathan Arche
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  1. #1

    ARRESTED: Officer Jonathan Arche

    ARRESTED TWICE by Sweetwater Pd.

    Our very own Ms. Dirty Flaca

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    ARRESTED TWICE by Sweetwater Pd.

    Our very own Ms. Dirty Flaca
    Only twice? Then there is a long way to go to catch up with the criminal Jose Mejia:

    * Violent criminal with multiple felony arrests, including armed robbery and drug dealing

    * Recently had over 60 traffic violations outstanding

    * Displayed cowardice at the FIU bridge collapse by not rendering assistance to dying victims

    * Admitted in court documents that he is mentally ill

    * A psychopath who continues to stalk numerous perceived enemies nonstop

    * Repeatedly stalks and threatens residents, cops and public officials online

    * Tried to bribe a commission candidate into giving him a city job

    * Has problems separating fantasy from reality (He says he wants to be the City Commissioner in Charge of Police Matters, claimed to be the Sweetwater Messiah)

    *Admits he is running for office to punish police officers who have arrested him

    * Is a prolific liar

    * Unemployed with no job history or job skills.

    * Is 28 years old yet has spent his entire life living with his mama

    * Lied about getting a degree from FIU and most likely lying about still attending classes

    * Threatened a journalist with physical harm for printing the truth about him

  3. #3

    Arche’s ol’ con

    Jonathan Arche aka Sweetwater’s golden child as they call him, you’re funny. The audacity you have to throw stones from within a glass house. The Public Corruption Unit was made for rogue cops like you. You’ve lied on your application during the hiring and background process and you lie on the a-forms I’d those who you falsely arrest. Change frightens you as you know your reign of terror will be over. You falsely attack the opposition and you even attempt to incarcerate those who oppose the corruption you represent, display and engage in.

    You Officer Jonathan Arche are like a used condom, completely useless and just a shit storm waiting to happen. Soon your mugshot, your lies and all the falsified documents will be exposed via a press conference and only then will you see that change is inevitable and Sweetwater will be great again. A Sweetwater without corrupted rogue officers is the Sweetwater I see in 2019.

  4. #4
    Corrupt Officer Arche indeed.

  5. #5

    Sweetwater Elementary Drug Dealer

    We need to learn from Mejia. Whenever he gets arrested his lawyer presents his medical records documenting all his diagnosed mental illnesses and pleads for diversion.
    Which is exactly why the Sweetwater Elementary area drug dealer is still on the street.

  6. #6

    Arche boy

    Lmao que clase cuento chino! De pipí eso ni te lo crees tú mismo flaca

  7. #7
    Arche’s ol’ con
    Jonathan Arche aka Sweetwater’s golden child as they call him, you’re funny. The audacity you have to throw stones from within a glass house. The Public Corruption Unit was made for rogue cops like you. You’ve lied on your application during the hiring and background process and you lie on the a-forms I’d those who you falsely arrest. Change frightens you as you know your reign of terror will be over. You falsely attack the opposition and you even attempt to incarcerate those who oppose the corruption you represent, display and engage in.

    You Officer Jonathan Arche are like a used condom, completely useless and just a shit storm waiting to happen. Soon your mugshot, your lies and all the falsified documents will be exposed via a press conference and only then will you see that change is inevitable and Sweetwater will be great again. A Sweetwater without corrupted rogue officers is the Sweetwater I see in 2019.

  8. #8
    The psychopath Mejia is copying and pasting the same chit over and over again to create multiple new threads. His only intent is to harass the police.
    This is the online equivalent of him doing donuts in front of the police.


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