City and county cops collecting cards to switch to IUPA
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  1. #1

    City and county cops collecting cards to switch to IUPA

    Currently there is a move to replace the FOP in the city of Miami and the PBA in the county. IUPA is willing to audit the books and publish the results. Many agencies across the state are already doing what NMB and BSO have already done, switching to IUPA. There is a movement across the state to go to IUPA so what are waiting for?

    If you have any questions or want more information on how to switch Unions, please contact Jeff Edmiston at 941-350-9170 or

    Click the link below for an IUPA Brochure

  2. #2
    I have dear friends in both departments and yes IUPA is trying. I think because the FOO in the city and the PBA in county has been too comfortable for too long and don’t appreciate the members. IUPA is capitalizing on that


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