Well folks, this week we learned or confirmed that they are broke. Yes, our city leaders have a $6,000,000.00 problem and they need you to step up and carry the burden. So let me help you to understand the politics.

The Mayor and Council wear rose colored glasses, sit on their hands and rubber stamp everything George does.

Can we really afford the MacDaddy City Call fit for a king and his kingdom? Can we really afford a police station like none other in Dade County? Should we be borrowing hundreds of millions of dollars for more pie in the sky, grand construction projects?

If you believe George, and I do not, the answer is yes. You see, the city believes you can borrow your way out of debt. We are revitalizing downtown for umpteenth time. For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, stop on Krome and look at the old pavers, the roadway centerpieces, Losner Park. All of whats left from previous attempts to attract money to a dead downtown economy.

We re-built it a few times and no one came, why is this time different? Well, it is probably not except for one thing. Now the city is using a credit card.

Police Station = borrowed money
King Georges kingdom on Washington ave = borrowed money
Seminole theatre = borrowed money
New Downtown redevelopment= mostly borrowed money with no private investors.

If this was a great idea, there would be private investment knocking the doors down to develop downtown. They are not!!

I know many of you are terribly worried about the elected officials and King George. Don’t worry, King George never bought into our community, he’s a renter. He will continue to receive his 200,000.00 ++ per year until you are on food stamps.

The elected officials need not be of concern. You see, they are like rock stars when they have hundreds of millions of borrowed dollars to spend. They’re playing free golf and eating the best prime rib in Miami. Nothing to worry about until the roof collapses, the bridge hits the ground, and bills come due.

Speaking of bills coming due; this is where you step up to the plate. King George has over spent and the savings account is full of Mayor and Council I.O.U’s.

We need you to roll over and play dead! Work longer for less and bow to the king. After all, you need to pay for that wonderful police station we built for you.

Do not say anything out loud that will jeopardize the kingdom. Stay divided and silent, it’s your only hope to save George and a few politicians!

God bless and stay blue my friends!!