Colonel Don Maines
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  1. #1

    Colonel Don Maines

    Is Colonel Don Maines still working at BSO, if so what exactly is his function besides walking around acting like he's very important and telling EVERYONE that he is a BSO Colonel. And why does he get to get free bso/taxpayer fuel for his personal Ram Dually Pickup truck at the bso gas pumps, and when is he going to return the horse that he stole from bso/taxpayers. Who does Colonel Don Maines think that he is. He's nothing more than a convicted felon, cocaine charge's. How did he ever get hired by bso and become a Colonel. He's a convicted felon many times over and was a criminal, never a law enforcement officer. He's a wannabee Colonel, and a wannabee cowboy. He's a con man living off of women with money. That's the REAL Don Maines, a total con man loser felon.

  2. #2

    Colonel Don Maines

    To all of you Colonel Don Maines critics and haters.... You all need to stop it. Colonel Don Maines is a true professional and an excellent leader and a great example for all to follow. If you don't agree then just ask Colonel Don Maines and he will be happy to tell you just how great he is.

  3. #3

    Colonel Don Maines

    Are you serious. This idiots loyalty goes whichever way the wind blows. First he was licking Lamberti's shoes, Lambertis loses and right away Maines is licking Israel's shoes looking for a do nothing job. And he's a convicted drug felon to top it all of. Don Maines, a total joke and bonafide loser. Always has been always will be.


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