I would like to say we finally have a police officer serving the law the same way she would if any civilian broke the same laws. I guarantee you 100 percent that every police officer out there would have handled the situation the exact same way if it was a civilian. This is what is wrong with our society "everybody thinks they are above the law". This is why hollywood, politicians, judges, lawyers and other powerful people act like they do. Police are people too. They do the same STUPID things normal people do, the difference is we the people have put them in a position WHERE THEY SHOULD KNOW BETTER! Uphold the law stop bending it to suit you. Thank god Watts pulled this idiot over before he killed some innocent family. My best friend is a police officer and I hear lots of stories of how the police "cover up" indescrations by other officers. The law was made for everybody not an exemption for the law enforcement society.