Sad sack sheriff
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  1. #1

    Sad sack sheriff

    So Sheriff mumbles, you have 40 road lieutenants and 40 jail lieutenants that were strong armed into supporting you. You and your staff should be so proud! The PBA and the FOP represent ZERO % of the rank and file. You are despised among the majority of men and women at BSO. Your arrogance and ignorance have come to light and nothing can save you. The PSB needed a royal flushing and its about to happen....

  2. #2
    The leader of the jail Lieutenants E. Rickets is a kiss Azz and a rat. His incompetence has put the jail in jeopardy many times. Remember when you lost the inmate Rickets? Quit kissing hairplugs azz, he will be gone and you will never get promoted again. Retire you worthless phuck!

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    So Sheriff mumbles, you have 40 road lieutenants and 40 jail lieutenants that were strong armed into supporting you. You and your staff should be so proud! The PBA and the FOP represent ZERO % of the rank and file. You are despised among the majority of men and women at BSO. Your arrogance and ignorance have come to light and nothing can save you. The PSB needed a royal flushing and its about to happen....

    Typical democratic strategy- deflect and deny. So out of some 5800 employees and taking away the managers, command staff and your azz kisser assigned people, you have maybe 5 or 6 supporters. (tide pod eaters and condom snorters).


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