WOW! Justin Ceccini is a doper. Kinda hard to reconcile that image to the Prummell/Libby rat you were. I remember, you were one of Bill’s Boys. How’s that working out for you, Justin? Remember all the coworkers you burned trying to keep Bill’s fires of destruction stoked? Do they haunt you? Is that why you inhale drugs like any street junkie? Huh.....well, Justin, I suppose you can join a rehab group to clean your system of drugs, but your soul, Justin, how do you cleanse your soul of that stain; you know the lives you helped ruin. If there is true justice in your case, Justin, you won’t receive one red cent of your ‘returement’ benefits....nada, zip. Geez, the next I hear about you, I guess, is that you kill puppies and kittens and push old people out into the path of traffic. You have really fallen, haven’t you, Golden Boy. All your cases will be thrown out and shame will once again be Bill’s dance partner, as he deserves, so, at least, thanx for that. Now, go find yourself a nice N.A. Group in Boston or wherever your drug fogged brain leads you....”Hi, my name is Justin and I’m a junkie.”