I keep hearing everyone has ideas about how to make it better. "We should do this....", "They should..." or "How about we..." I am completely aware that the the man alone can figure out how to fix all the quirks in this place. So I would like to challenge all of you who read this thread to help out. Obviously there is no short fall of issues and complaints. How about ways to fix it? Many reading and responding might be worried about how your comments are perceived so I imagine that is why your on here. Time to raise your hand and to speak up about your ideas. Obviously others are free to reply but at least it is out for them to see and possibly react to. Or we could just sit on our hands and ***** and moan about pay and all the crooked folks running the show.

There are always great ideas out there. Most people feel no one listens. Apparently they are now listening!

C'mon people be the change you want to see!!