Coming Soon! The newly formed Clandestine Services.

Why would someone who is able to do well in this training, volunteer?

Why is not such advanced and highly practical training available to those "regular" deputies who also are interested?

The cost alone for 1200-1500 rounds of ammunition times how many (secret/classified) "volunteers" plus the several weeks of man power AND cost of hiring the specialists who are qualified provide this training, "who" is paying for it?

In whose budget will this be massaged and disguised into, for such a classified confidential program?

Of course there will be an SOP or some sort of guidelines, you know for legal protection when almost inevitably one of these volunteers (who have such highly trained skills,choose to work for "free") something goes badly wrong.

"Regular" deputies (you know the little people, steps on the ladder) are observed for months in academy, but these
quick draw center mass gunslingers, trained to react. Great recipe.