Attention all deputies, time to lookout for yourself. Get out now.
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  1. #1

    Attention all deputies, time to lookout for yourself. Get out now.

    Not a disgruntled employee, despised Lamberti, and voted for Israel, even worked an election poll. But the reality of it is, what’s happened to us is irreversible at this time. If you have less than 10 years with this agency, get out and get out now. Lookout for yourselves. The command staff will never stand up for you, especially in these current times. If you are involved in anything that raises one lash to the sheriff’s eyebrow, the command staff will put you out to roast. They are in self preservation mode. Have you been reading the statements by Col? Dale, the arrogance and ignorance in his statements. Col. Polan’s brilliant email to support the sheriff? We’re being led by people who can’t find their way around the block, let alone run an agency of this size. So please, think about yourselfs, because they’re not thinking of you. God Bless all of you!!!!!

  2. #2
    Oh boy, somebody forgot to take their meds again. I love the arbitrary 10 year mark. Seek help!!!! Fast!!!!

  3. #3

    Best Sheriff ever

    I will keep saying this until all you Republicans get it. Israel is the best Sheriff ever, proven.

    Stephen Greenberger


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