How Runcie Pantz the Sheriff - Page 8
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  1. #71
    Runcie's current salary is $335,000.00 per year. In October 2019, he will receive a $28,000.00 raise per his contract. This is the individual who did not have a code red policy in place on February 14, 2018. This is the bum who is protecting the school principal who did not secure the school gates. If you are a Broward taxpayer, please speak up. Do you think that $363K per year is a fair salary for the "leader" of the school district ? The one who brought PROMISE to Broward?

  2. #72
    Yeah, I think Runcie deserves that salary,REALLY, he was a major part of the PROMISE program; that should be enough to fire him. But no, the great board members decided to keep him in a 6-3 vote, idiots have no idea. All I can say is thank God my kid has graduated and I don't have to worry about my kid being in a Broward County school anymore. The school board is having problems knowing what a hard corner is and defining this area. So until your school board decides what are hard corners, your kids wont know where to go in an emergency situation.

  3. #73
    The board members who wanted to keep Runcie referenced the praise of Gualtieri multiple times for how "transparent' he said they were during the investigation. That guy turned out to be a complicit snake in the grass.

  4. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    The board members who wanted to keep Runcie referenced the praise of Gualtieri multiple times for how "transparent' he said they were during the investigation. That guy turned out to be a complicit snake in the grass.

    Thank you Senator Lauren Book. Thank you Lobbyist (and drunkard) Ron Book. Thank you Mr. Scott Israel. Keep up the great work! (sarcasm)

  5. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Gotta give it to old slick Runcie. He played the Sheriff like a dollar store kazoo.

    Runcie and Sheriff go on camera as a united front outraged, pointing attention to the FBI

    Runcie knows he can only get about a day or two out of this, so, he waits for Sheriff to start beating his amazing chest to the media.

    Then, Runcie quietly goes on camera pretending to be humble and accepting of some of the blame.

    Every camera of blame points straight at the Sheriff ;who on an adrenaline rush, exposed his self absorbed narcissism to mass media.

    Sheriff ends up on the defensive on an island alone, no entourage, no support.

    That's Runcie; some how, some way, he always comes out on top.
    And here we are a year and a half later and that's exactly how it unfolded. Runcie got a raise and his retirement account is due to be bumped up this October. He is making over 335K per year under contract. He brought juvenile leniency to Broward, got his underlings to do the dirty work, hid crime from BSO, makes efforts to work with Osgood to find new ways to hide info and intel re: crime from BSO and the union has nothing to say. Why is that ? Your agency has been obliterated, lives ruined, and Runcie, the mastermind behind PROMISE goes on without consequence. Parents demand his resignation, teachers demand his resignation, but IUPA ?

  6. #76

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    And here we are a year and a half later and that's exactly how it unfolded. Runcie got a raise and his retirement account is due to be bumped up this October. He is making over 335K per year under contract. He brought juvenile leniency to Broward, got his underlings to do the dirty work, hid crime from BSO, makes efforts to work with Osgood to find new ways to hide info and intel re: crime from BSO and the union has nothing to say. Why is that ? Your agency has been obliterated, lives ruined, and Runcie, the mastermind behind PROMISE goes on without consequence. Parents demand his resignation, teachers demand his resignation, but IUPA ?

    PROMISE Program Exposed by This Show

    Feb 27, 2018

    RUSH: Now, expanding on the PROMISE Program that we on this program explained to you yesterday. Here’s the upshot of the PROMISE Program. It was started in Chicago by the current superintendent in the school district in Broward. Robert Runcie was in Chicago. The premise of the PROMISE Program is federal grants. This happened under the Obama administration and Eric Holder. The money came from the Department of Justice.

    It originated from the premise that the Democrats hold that the prison population is disproportionately minority and African-American because of injustice in America. You have the black population, what, 15, 20%; the prison population of minorities and African-Americans can be 60%. Ergo the justice system must be tainted. This is what Holder and Obama believe. So they believe that bigotry and racism is resulting in charges and convictions against innocent minority perps...

    So they began a program called the PROMISE Program which promised money to local police departments and school districts for ignoring certain crimes, mostly misdemeanors, but not contained to misdemeanors. And for all of these crimes ignored, there would thus be no charges. And thus no convictions. And thus there wouldn’t be any sentencing because nobody’d be going to jail. Now, they couldn’t, from Washington, instruct a school district or police department to ignore only crime committed by minorities.

    That wouldn’t fly.

    People would spot that right off the bat and they would object to it.

    So they had to be cagey, and they had to basically extend this policy to types crime rather than types of perp. So various misdemeanors — and some crimes that are above misdemeanor but not full-fledged Class A felonies — were ignored by everybody committing them. And the reward for behaving was federal money. So the incentive to ignore crime was monetized by a program called the PROMISE Program instituted by Obama and Holder under the premise that American prison populations were unfairly and unjustly African-American and minority.

    I’m sure you’ve heard Obama and Holder and the Reverend Jackson for years complaining about this. Always at the root of the complaint is that it’s injustice, that innocent people are being charged simply because our just system is racist. But Obama was famous for programs like this. He would… These consent decrees on police departments. Basically take over and implement federal policies.

    There would be payments involved if the local police department looked the other way. Obama spread walking-around money out like no president ever has before him. Well, now that this program was announced yesterday, it’s becoming even more widely reported on and known now, and Breitbart has a story: “Broward County Likely ‘Inspiration’ for Obama School Discipline Policy to Report Fewer Arrests, Suspensions.”

    Even though the program began in Chicago with Robert Runcie who the current superintendent in Broward County, he was transferred or he was hired away by Broward after the PROMISE Program showed such great results in the Chicagoland area. “The Broward County school district’s adoption of a school discipline policy that was praised by the Obama administration for seeking to reduce the reported number of school suspensions, expulsions, and arrests may have played a role in the fact that Nikolas Cruz remained under the radar until his shooting rampage in Parkland, Florida, on February 14.

    “‘The facts pattern that has emerged strongly suggests it played a role,’ [according to] Manhattan Institute senior fellow Max Eden… The Obama-era Departments of Education and Justice — under education secretary Arne Duncan and Attorney General Eric Holder — issued school guidelines in 2014” the program actually dates 2013 “that claimed students of color are ‘disproportionately impacted’ by suspensions and expulsions, a situation they said leads to a ‘school-to-prison pipeline’ that discriminates against minority and low-income students. ‘Broward County was the first to have the goal of lowering suspensions, lowering expulsions, lowering arrests,’ explains Eden. ‘And, so, they decided to reduce police involvement by not bringing in cops to arrest kids for a whole range of serious offenses…”

    And then as you would expect, the arrests go down when you stop arresting, and that is taken to be a sign of success. Kind of like defining deviancy down. You decide you can’t control this kind of aberrant behavior, so you just say it’s no longer a crime. This behavior is no longer criminal, and you define deviance down. It’s a variation of that.

    So the upshot of it is, if this becomes policy, and it was in 2014, that’s four years of policy of ignoring certain crime, of no arrests, no suspensions, all because the Obama administration’s paying you to ignore these things, and in the midst of this, here comes Nikolas Cruz, and here come all these warnings and all these indications that somebody is ready to explode. But you’re in the midst of a four-year plan of ignoring actual criminal behavior. And this hadn’t even reached that yet.

    This guy was just a warning sign. But the real thing, then the act happens, then Cruz starts shooting, and now cops don’t go in and pursue him. Could it be that the real reason the cops didn’t go pursue is because they’re under orders to ignore certain kinds of crime in exchange for money coming to the school district? Now, they’re not under orders to ignore murder. That was never part of this. They’re not under orders to ignore people being shot. That was never part of the PROMISE Program, but at the time the shooting begins, nobody knows really what the outcome is in there, but the conditioning has been to ignore crime, don’t make arrests, don’t do suspensions.

    And people are beginning to look at this as maybe having a bit of factor, maybe being somewhat of a factor. But the whole program’s stupid. The premise of the program is stupid. The belief that our criminal justice system is so biased and so racist and scores and scores of innocent people are in jail simply because of their race, well, yeah, Obama and Holder would love you to believe that, and the Reverend Jackson and the community organizing groups of the left would love you to believe that. They want people to think America is that unjust and immoral.

    And they use as their excuse these bloated statistics of people who are in prison saying it’s unfair, we need to fix it, and the only way you can fix it is to stop sending people to prison, and, ergo, we get an event like this. My only point is that more and more people are now beginning to explore this program since we elucidated it yesterday. It’s being bandied about, talked about, reported in many different places.

    Snerdley said to me, if it weren’t for some news story, that this would have been all over the place last night and I’d have been catching hell for it from the Drive-Bys. If it weren’t for some other story covering it up. His point was, “You know, you really exposed something yesterday. And normally they would try to destroy you for this, but they’re distracted by other things.” Well, they don’t want it widely known. It’s exactly right they don’t want this widely known.

    The last thing they want is people to begin to think that something like this could be a factor, however small, in some of the things that don’t seem to be explicable, how do you explain this? Forty-five different tips and warnings, four officers not going in to try to catch the perp in the middle of the act, how do you explain any of this? Well, you can’t. Not rationally, so you ignore it. And you shift blame to the gun and the NRA and all of that.

    David Clarke, the sheriff of Milwaukee, has a piece, Breitbart: “Democrats ‘Have Screwed this Country Up with Failed, Liberal Urban Policies’ — Sheriff David Clarke blamed the nation’s crippling cycle of poverty and the ‘myth’ of mass incarceration of black males on the Democrats and their ‘failed, liberal urban policies’ which he says have ‘screwed this country up.'”

    This is from a panel at CPAC: “Breaking Bad: What it Takes to Rise Above Circumstances.” And you know, the reason the headline struck me, “Democrats ‘Have Screwed this Country Up with Failed, Liberal Urban Policies.'” Now, this whole article, which is a rehashing of the seminar at CPAC, is just one truth after another. And the reason it struck me is because here’s somebody actually fearlessly placing the blame where it really belongs and pointing out what needs to happen.

    These people need to be defeated, not met with and not accommodated and not compromised with. They have to be defeated. The things they are doing are too destructive to the culture at large, and this episode is one of the greatest illustrations of what happens when these people end up prevailing, because everything that doesn’t make sense here, everything that just looks ****eyed is a result of some liberal policy or thinking in plain motion.

  7. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by unregistered View Post
    you're right. "" would have been a justified website, if it weren't for "", a greedy, political-hungry sheriff, and 54 million other reasons...

    "broward was able to do all these things at once with the cooperation of ... A school board member,... A local sheriff, ..."

    what a russssshhhhhh!!!!!

    reversing broward county's school-to-prison pipeline - bryce wilson stucki
    december 4, 2013

    the story behind the so-far successful crusade to end disproportionate student arrests and suspensions in one florida school district.

    when, after a nationwide search, he was hired two years ago to serve as superintendent of florida’s broward county public schools, robert runcie began brainstorming ways to close the racial achievement gap. At the time, black students in the sixth-largest district in the country had a graduation rate of only 61 percent compared to 81 percent for white students. To find out why, runcie, who once headed a management-consulting firm, went to the data.

    “one of the first things i saw was a huge differential in minority students, black male students in particular, in terms of suspensions and arrests,” he says. Black students made up two-thirds of all suspensions during the 2011-2012 school year despite comprising only 40 percent of the student body. And while there were 15,000 serious incidents like assaults and drug possession reported that year, 85 percent of all 82,000 suspensions were for minor incidents—use of profanity, disruptions of class—and 71 percent of all 1,000-plus arrests were for misdemeanors. The last statistic, says runcie, “was a huge red flag.”

    like most large school districts in the united states, discipline policies in broward reflected the idea that the best way to maintain an orderly classroom is to get rid of disruptive students, an approach known as zero tolerance. Zero tolerance policies help explain why 81 percent of all suspensions in new york city schools in the 2012-20 13 school year were for minor infractions and 70 percent of all arrests were for misdemeanors; why 67 percent of all school-based arrests in florida in 2011-2012 were for misdemeanors; and why 97 percent of half a million suspensions and expulsions recorded in an eight-year texas study published in 2011 were not required under state law. A 2008 survey from the american psychological association titled “are zero tolerance policies effective in schools?” found that “recent research indicates a negative relationship between the use of school suspension and expulsion and school-wide academic achievement.” while factors outside of school, like family income, matter most for academic success, “there’s a direct correspondence between the achievement gap and discipline,” says pedro noguera, a professor of education at new york university. According to a nationwide study from ucla 24 percent of black secondary-school students were suspended at least once during the 2009-2010 school year versus 7 percent of white students. That same year, the graduation rate for black students was 66 percent compared to 83 percent for white students.

    broward announced broad changes designed to mitigate the use of harsh punishments for minor misbehavior at the beginning of this school year. While other districts have amended their discipline codes, prohibited arrests in some circumstances, and developed alternatives to suspension, broward was able to do all these things at once with the cooperation of a group that included a member of the local naacp, a school board member, a public defender, a local sheriff, a state prosecutor, and several others. In early november, the miami herald reported that suspensions were already down 40 percent and arrests were down 66 percent. Yet these changes required years of advocacy. The hard scrabble road to broward’s success also helps explain why zero tolerance policies have persisted.

    “this whole issue around arrests of students, suspensions, i was not familiar with any specific targeted strategy on that,” says runcie of his initial days as broward superintendent. he turned to what one stakeholder calls the eliminating the schoolhouse to jailhouse committee, a local group of advocates.

    The “schoolhouse to jailhouse” in the committee’s name refers to the track of suspensions and arrests that civil-rights groups like the naacp and the advancement project say ends in dropout and incarceration for many minority students—the polar opposite of the academic track of ap classes that typically ends in college admission. A 2013 study of florida students by researchers at johns hopkins university found that a suspension in 9th grade lowered a student’s chances of graduating by 20 percent and a 2013 study of chicago students found that an arrest raises the odds of dropout by 22 percent, even after controlling for income. A 2009 study from northeastern university found that 6 percent of all high-school dropouts (and 23 percent of black male dropouts) aged 16-24 were institutionalized (most in prisons), compared to 1 percent of people with high-school degrees.

    marsha ellison, president of the fort lauderdale chapter of the naacp, which is in broward county, founded the eliminating the schoolhouse to jailhouse committee. after a 5 year-old girl was arrested in a different florida county in 2005—she threw a temper tantrum in an assistant principal’s office—“we were all directed from our national group to meet with our school district, collect the data, and work through to fix this schoolhouse to jailhouse issue,” she says. Ellison began to ask for discipline data on a regular basis, but says runcie’s predecessors would not release it, an assertion corroborated by gordon weekes, a public defender in broward county, and robin bartleman, a school board member and former teacher in broward. The district “thought if they hid and did not acknowledge it then the problem would go away,” says ellison.

    A cadre of reformers who admired ellison’s determination began to meet with her on a regular basis. Bartleman was motivated by her experience in the classroom. “i remember having to expel students and literally being in tears thinking, ‘why does this child have to be expelled for this?’” she says. Weekes says he saw “school-based arrests for little minor things like kids shooting spitballs, a kid throwing a lollipop.” after baltimore lessened penalties for similar infractions in its discipline code and provided alternatives to suspension, like counseling, suspensions fell by 33 percent and the graduation rate increased by 15 percent in seven years.

    elijah williams, a justice in the juvenile courts in broward, joined the committee after he saw a presentation in las vegas by steven teske, a juvenile judge in clayton county, georgia. Teske had helped local law enforcement and school officials reach an agreement to send students who committed misdemeanors to counseling instead of to court. School-based referrals fell by 83 percent and the graduation rate rose by 24 percent over eight years. williams soon had teske on a plane to broward to meet the committee.

    broward’s collaborative agreement on school discipline was announced in early november. Instead of suspensions, students can now be referred to the promise program, where they receive counseling for several days and then return to school. A host of non-violent misdemeanors no longer require an arrest, though officers can sometimes override that if they feel it is necessary (“i wanted to make sure deputies always had discretion,” says scott israel, broward county’s sheriff). the school district’s office of minority male achievement reviews data to ensure that punishments for minor infractions and racial disparities are on the decline.

    “there's been success with other districts working to address parts of the problem,” says alana greer, an attorney with the advancement project who consulted on the agreement. In recent years, los angeles and denver have limited the range of minor behavior infractions that can be punished by a suspension. “but what broward did that really set it apart is they put together this incredible breadth of stakeholders. they have been able to not only address one piece of it, but create a set of policies that work together to hopefully eliminate the school-to-prison pipeline in broward.”

    broward is unusual because representatives from law enforcement, the district, and the community were able to agree on reform, and the superintendent approved it. “in dealing with the previous administration, people were afraid to look at disparate impact issues,” says weekes. “[runcie] was not backing away from it.” the new superintendent released the data and acknowledged that the problem had a racial dynamic. “it’s a problem all over the country,” runcie says, “and broward is no exception.”
    ^^^ criminals ^^^

  8. #78
    TIME tells the truth.
    Appears as though Runcie, this 350k per year slime ball has allegedly continued to cook the books with false reporting of school incidents, amongst other things. Only fair that he will face consequences as Scott certainly did. Scott, Runcie, Tony.. TIME is not your friend.

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