Could The Right Democrat Win The Sheriff's Office?
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  1. #1

    Could The Right Democrat Win The Sheriff's Office?

    Republican 131,447 42.71%
    Democrat 93,359 30.34%
    No Party Affiliation 81,164 26.37%
    Libertarian 808 0.26%
    Independent Party of Florida 642 0.21%
    Green Party of Florida 240 0.08%
    Constitution Party of Florida 34 0.01%
    Reform Party of Florida 33 0.01%
    Liberation - Florida 15 0.00%
    America'sParty of Florida 10 0.00%
    Ecology Party of Florida 7 0.00%
    Total 307,759 100.00%

    It seems as though if the NPAs and the Dems come out this time and rally, the right Democrat might have a chance if Culverhouse funds he or she. Democrats on the war path and this next election they will be out in full force. Have we ever had a democrat Sheriff at the SSO? What would prevent you from voting in a Democratic Sheriff?

  2. #2

    Non Partisan

    It's an interesting question and quite honestly I feel that the office of the sheriff should be non-partisan just like the judges have to be. If those that listen to the facts and decide fate have to be non-partisan, I don't understand why the sheriff should be also. We all know that the majority of law enforcement personnel are more conservative however there are plenty of liberal leaning also. The problem with the current 2 party system is that the candidate and/or the elected official are just following party lines no matter what they truly believe. It is quite obvious to me that the Democrats are listening to the likes of Chuck the Schmuck and Nancy Plastic face as well as the Republican doing as told by their party. I don't believe in sanctuary cities or keeping dreamers here so that would be a major deciding factor for me. Remember though that campaign promises are made but are not necessarily followed through.

  3. #3
    The numbers are there for a Dem to win based on the amount of NPAs. The real question would be how much money could a dem raise? If the Republican has to spend money in the primary he won't have to raise more to fight it out the rest of the year with the dem. Could be interesting. I would vote for the right Dem if he or she had some new ideas. I feel like the Sheriff should be non party also.

  4. #4
    Never in a million years did I ever dream that a democrat would beat Buchanan Jr., but it happened this week. We (the GOP) are reaping what we are sowing. The GOP has become cavalier and over-confident, even though nothing in life is guaranteed. The backroom deal-breakers who put Buchanan Jr. on the ballot have lost it. My mother always said, "If you can't say anything nice about someone (Buchanan Jr.), then don't say anything at all." So I won't say anything adverse about Buchanan Jr., except that the local GOP is too confident and is losing touch with the voters.

    Regarding running for sheriff: it is also controlled by the GOP. Right now Knight is in there. What you or I think does not matter -- what the voters think is the only thing that matters. As the old timers always say, if a sheriff is not arrested or indicted, then it's impossible to unseat him as an incumbent. Chief Judge Charles Williams did not arrest Knight, so there you go.

    Should the office of sheriff be non-partisan? That's a moot issue because it is partisan. Period. The only way to change it is to change the Sarasota County charter. And nobody will take the time or energy to make that charter (constitution) proposal. So again, there you go.


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