There seems to be a slight misconception in the inference to ST hpd. ST worked for both abolition and
Womens’ sufferage And was willing to take legal action concerning manumation. In your ramblings you failed
To dichotomize my your thesis to converge these two separate issues. Comman pimp is presently looking
Into this at best alledged editorial. We ask is the chief an ‘oriole’ or sexually biased? Your degredadation and or misconceptions about ST and well founded which leads to a large degree of separation in the ideology of
ST and the chief. Command Pimp has been assigned to investigate these erroneous areas of fact and
Relavent theory especially the part of faith that played in ST’s life and actions. We write you decide.

Your most humble and loyal servants,

Thomas Paine, Command Pimp, Po P.O. Pimp